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Findhorn bendruomene Skotijoje

Posted: Mon 03 14, 2005, 0:30
by Emuti
Sveiki, zurnale "Spirit & Destiny" perskaiciau apie bendruomene Skotijoje labai primenancia savo idejomis Anastasijos bendruomene. Straipsnis mazdaug toks:

Siaures Rytu Skotijoj, 30 myliu nuo Iverness miesto ir netoli zveju kaimelio Findhorn yra isikurusi Findhorn Bendruomene. Tai yra vieta, kur 400 zmoniu gyvena dvasini ir draugiska Planetai gyvenima, o 14.000 kitu juos aplanko kiekvienais metais ismokti daryti ta pati.

Viskas prasidejo, kai 1960 metais viena seima (Peter ir Eileen Caddy + ju trys mazi sunus ir ju drauge Dorothy Maclean) persikele gyventi i vietove netoli jau mineto Findhorn kaimo. Jie neturejo darbu ir labai mazai pinigu. Seima nusprende gyventi savarankiskai. Peter pradejo auginti darzoves, kad ismaitintu ju sesiu asmenu seima. Dorothy suprato, kad gali intuityviai bendrauti su augalu dvasiomis - arba devomis (?) - kurios pasake jai kaip uzauginti soda ju sausoje smeletoje dirvoje. Peter naudojo sia informacija kaip uzauginti dideli kieki produkcijos, iskaitant didelius, 40lb (svaru?) kopustus. Kalbos greitai sklido ir seimos magiskas ir dvasingas gyvenimo budas patrauke lankytojus, kurie sujaudinti gyvenimo gamtoje ramumo pasiliko.

Dabar ten yra visas ekologinis kaimas su koledzu, knygu leidyklomis, parduotuve ir kavine. Ten taip pat yra meno ir kt. studijos-bureliai ir kt.
Ekologiniai namai yra pastatyti is vietinio akmens ir straw bales (nezinau ka reiskia - straw - siaudas, o bales - kazkokia perdibta zaliava transportavimui ir dar kazkam) ar netgi senu viskio statiniu. Kaime auginamos ekologiskos (organic) darzoves. Elektra gaunama is vejo turbinu ir tai yra tik keli is daugelio praktisku budu kuriais kaimieciai tikisi padaryti skirtuma pasauliui neisnaudojant jo brangiu resursu.

Palaipsniui zeme buvo nupirkta ir Findhorn Foundation buvo suformuota kaip svietimo ir gamtos nepelno organizacija (?).

Kad palaikyti bendruomene, zmones kiekvienas dalinasi atsakomybe ir zino elementarias etikos taisykles. Tokie susiburimai kaip kasdienine meditacija, joga ir pasivaiksciojimai papludimiu yra labai skatinami ir palaiko bendruomene. Jei yra kokie gincai ar nesusipratimai, bendruomeneje yra taikdariai, kurie yra tokiais atvejais iskvieciami.

India Brown yra 57 metu. Ji gyveno ir dirbo bendruomeneje 28 metus, jos trys vaikai visi gime ir augo bendruomenej. India sako, kad bendruomene yra kaip viena didele palaikanti seima, kur zmones padeda vienas kitam nenoredami jokio atlygio, ir ji taip pat sako, kad tai buvo labai saugi aplinka auginti vaikus, ir tai buvo labai "magiskas" jausmas.

Taciau zmones nera atitruke nuo iprasto gyvenimo - Kit Hutchinson (26) sako, kad ji kartais nueina i bara, kina ir ziuri televizoriu - "as nenuplaukiu i sapnu pasauli, gyvenu normalu gyvenima, tai gali skambeti nelabai dvasinga, bet yra pusiausvyra, kuri veikia".

Daugiau informacijos

Vertimas yra tik "mazdaug" nes as nemoku taisyklingai isversti, jei kas galite isversti cia yra originalus angliskas tekstas is zurnalo:


"On the north-east coast of Scotland, about 30 miles from Iverness, and just outside the tiny

fishing village of Findhorn, you'll find the idylic site of the world famous Findhorn

Foundation Community. Set on a long, sandy coastline, with the Highland mountains in the

distance, it's surrounded by stunning scenery. But this place is about more than the

breathtaking views. It's where over 400 people live spiritually enriched, eco-friendly lives, and

where 14,000 others visit each year to learn to do the same.

What began back in 1962 as a home for one family has turned into an eco-village, complete

witha college, book publishers, shop and cafe. There are also arts, crafts and therapies on

offer, plus workshops, conference facilities and visitors' accomodation, as well as two peaceful

reatreats further away on the idylic Isles of Iona and Erraid.

Dwelling in ecological houses built from local stone, straw bales or even old whisky barrels,

growing organic vegetables and generating electricity from wind turbines are just some of the

practical ways in which the villagers hope to make a difference to the world without drainig its

precious resourses.

At first, founders Peter and Eileen Caddy, and their friend, Dorothy Maclean, didn't have

grand plans. When they moved to Findhorn Bay Caravan Park in 1960 they had no jobs and

little money. Peter and Eileen had three young sons to support so the group decided to live


Peter started growing vegetables to feed the six of them. Dorothy found she could intuitively

contact the plants' spirits - or devas - which told her how to make the most of their garden

with its dry, sandy soil. Peter used this know-how to grow remarkable produce, including

giant, 40lb cabbages.

Word soon spreadabout the green-fingered folk and people came to witness their magical,

spiritual way of living with nature. Touched by the tranquillity of life there, many visitors


Underpinning the community are key concepts. Daily meditation, yoga and walks on the beach

are encouraged and the community has a code of ethics including integrity and shared

responsibility. If disputes arise or the group's rules are broken, peacemakers can be called to

resolve problems. These fundamental beliefs have kept the original caring ethos alive.

During the 1970s, the community grew from 20 like-minded people to 150 residents, who were

willing to swap their everyday lives for this special way of life. Gradually, land was bought and

the Findhorn Foundation was formed as an educational and environmental charitable trust.

Eileen Caddy, now 87 and the only one of the founding three members still living there, was

awarded an MBE for her "services to spiritual enquiry" in this New Year's Honours list.

India Brown, 57, originally from Derbyshire, has lived and worked at the Findhorn

Foundation Community for over 28 years. Her three children were all born and brought up

here. India and her husband originally arrived for a week's break from their hotel business.

Then they were asked to stay to help run a guest house. "We initially thought, "No way!"

because we'd worked hard to get where we were in our careers", India says. "But at the end

of an idylic week, in January 1976, we hired a van and moved in. Giving up everything we

knew was scary, but I've never looked back."

India has never felt any reason to leave. "It felt exciting and so different from what I'd

planned. It was like one, big, supportive family where people would do things for each other

for nothing. It was safe environment to raise children in and it had a magical feel."

Kit Hutchinson, 26, from Oxford, has also found the unique atmosphere worth saying for.

She arrived, aged 14, when she was sent by mother to enjoy an Experience Week, during

which she helped with chores, learnt to meditate and went on nature walks. Although she

was a reluctant visitor at first, KIt fell in love with the place and the people, and often

returned. Last March, she moved in permanently to run Youth Experience Weeks.

Participating in such projects when she was younger transformed her. "I'm more chilled and

communicate differently, now" , she says. "I've matured and got to know who i am".

But she's keen to highlight that the Findhorn community still does ordinary things, too. "I

don't float around in a dream world, I live a normal life. I go to the pub, and the cinema,

and still watch TV when i want to relax. It may not sound very spiritual, but there's a balance

here that works. I can honestly say, hand on heart, there's nowhere else that I'd rather be".

For more information about the courses held at the Findhorn Foundation, visit

(Straipsnis is zurnalo "Spirit & Destiny" 2005 sausis, puslapis 118 ir 119.)


Beje Siaures Anglijoje, i siaure nuo Yorkshire yra labai garsus nacionalinis parkas The Lakes District (Ezeru rajonas). Tai yra nuostabi kalnuota vietove su keliais didziuliais ezerais. Man vienas anglas sake, kad tos vietoves energetika prilygsta kai kuriom vietom Himalajuose ir kad senoveje, kai dar nebuvo Krikscionybes, cia kalnuose gyvendavo atsiskyreliai-zyniai panasus i atsiskyrusius Budistu vienuolius, kurie medituodavo istisus metus kalnuose ir pasiekdavo prasvitima (enlightement). Zodziu mane labai sudomino kalnai ir ju neaprasoma energetika - man tai primine Tibeta (kuriame niekada nebuvau)...

Dar mes buvom su mano ex seima prie tokiu Birghman uolu taip pat Yorkshire ir tai buvo nerealaus gamtovaizdzio vietove. Uolos - begalo didziuliai ivairiu formu akmenys sugriuve viens ant kito sudarydami keisciausias formas suns, meskos, lapes, zmogaus ir kt. - daug zmoniu ten atvyksta pabuti vienumoje, taciau man sios uolos alsavo kosmosu - as esu isitikinusi, kad tie akmenys nukrito is dangaus ir yra tokie pat svarbus kaip Stonehange'as...Labai kosmine energija ir as jauciausi kaip kitoje planetoje...


Posted: Mon 03 14, 2005, 0:44
by Emuti
cia yra nuotraukos tu nuostabiuju Siaures Anglijos kalnu:

Posted: Mon 04 04, 2005, 22:09
by Lazdynas
Ačiu Emuti už puikią informaciją ir įdėtą darbą.
Sėkmės Tau!